Bjarne Melgaard, 2016
Bjarne Melgaard, 2016

Cigarettes, glue, acrylic paint on canvas
48 x 48 inches

Certain Beast, 2016
Certain Beast, 2016

Cigarettes, glue, acrylic paint on canvas
48 x 48 inches

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Collage, ink on paper
8-1/2 x 11-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Ink on paper
8 x 11 inches

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Watercolor, collage on paper
8-1/2 x 11-1/2 inches

Ramses, 2016
Ramses, 2016

Collage, tape, ink, on paper
10-1/2 x 12 inches

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Collage, ink on paper
8-1/2 x 11-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Collage, ink on paper
8-1/2 x 11-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2008

Butterfly, tape, tempra on paper
10-1/4 x 13-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009

Collage, tempra on paper
10-1/4 x 13-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2015

Collage, ink on paper
20 x 14 inches

Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2008

Collage on paper
10 x 13-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2007

Ink on paper
7-1/2 x 7-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2015

Collage, ink on paper
8-1/2 x 11 inches

Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2007

Tempra on paper
10 x 13-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2008

Flowers, tape on paper
13-1/2 x 21 inches

Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2008

White pencil on paper
10-1/8 x 13-1/2 inches

Untitled, 1997
Untitled, 1997

Tempra on paper
14 x 15-1/4 inches

Untitled, 1996
Untitled, 1996

Lipstick, powder on draft paper
12-1/4 x 24 inches

Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2007

Ink on paper
5-1/4 x 8-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2015

Ink on paper
10-3/4 x 16-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2008

Tempra on canvas, synthetic hair frame
26 x 32 inches

Isis, 2015
Isis, 2015

Collage, enamel, resin on canvas
16 x 20 inches

Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009

Collage, resin on canvas
16 x 16 inches

The Minotaur, 2009
The Minotaur, 2009

Collage, resin on canvas
24 x 18 inches

Motorhead, 2009
Motorhead, 2009

Collage, enamel on canvas
48 x 48 inches

Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2007

Collage, tempra on wood panel
23-1/2 x 27 inches

Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009

Collage, resin on canvas
30 x 40 inches

Untitled, 2006
Untitled, 2006

Ink on paper
5-1/2 x 8 inches

Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2004

Ink on paper
5-1/2 x 8-3/4 inches

Paris, 1998
Paris, 1998

Ink, lipstick on paper
22 x 30-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2007

Collage on paper
12 x 14 inches

Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009

Black enamel, cardboard collage on canvas
18 x 24 inches

Untitled, 2005
Untitled, 2005

Collage, oil paint on canvas
11 x 24 inches

Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2015

Ink on paper
5-1/2 x 6-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2015

Watercolor on paper
10 x 10 inches

Untitled, 2006
Untitled, 2006

Ink, tempra on paper
7-1/4 x 10 inches

Portrait of Andy, 2009
Portrait of Andy, 2009

Pencil, ink, crayon on paper
10 x 13-1/4 inches

Untitled, 1998
Untitled, 1998

Tempra on paper
25 x 40-1/2 inches

Untitled, 1998
Untitled, 1998

Tempra on paper
20 x 26 inches

Untitled, 2003
Untitled, 2003

Tempra on paper
7-1/4 x 10-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2005
Untitled, 2005

Crayon, ink, tempra on paper
6-3/4 x 10 inches

Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2007

Collage, tempra, ink on paper
10 x 13-1/4 inches

Dad, 2003
Dad, 2003

Ink on paper
10-3/4 x 16-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2006
Untitled, 2006

Tempra on paper
8 x 11-3/4 inches

Bjarne Melgaard, 2016
Certain Beast, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Ramses, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 1997
Untitled, 1996
Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2008
Isis, 2015
Untitled, 2009
The Minotaur, 2009
Motorhead, 2009
Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2006
Untitled, 2004
Paris, 1998
Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2005
Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2015
Untitled, 2006
Portrait of Andy, 2009
Untitled, 1998
Untitled, 1998
Untitled, 2003
Untitled, 2005
Untitled, 2007
Dad, 2003
Untitled, 2006
Bjarne Melgaard, 2016

Cigarettes, glue, acrylic paint on canvas
48 x 48 inches

Certain Beast, 2016

Cigarettes, glue, acrylic paint on canvas
48 x 48 inches

Untitled, 2016

Collage, ink on paper
8-1/2 x 11-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2016

Ink on paper
8 x 11 inches

Untitled, 2016

Watercolor, collage on paper
8-1/2 x 11-1/2 inches

Ramses, 2016

Collage, tape, ink, on paper
10-1/2 x 12 inches

Untitled, 2016

Collage, ink on paper
8-1/2 x 11-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2016

Collage, ink on paper
8-1/2 x 11-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2008

Butterfly, tape, tempra on paper
10-1/4 x 13-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2009

Collage, tempra on paper
10-1/4 x 13-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2015

Collage, ink on paper
20 x 14 inches

Untitled, 2008

Collage on paper
10 x 13-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2007

Ink on paper
7-1/2 x 7-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2015

Collage, ink on paper
8-1/2 x 11 inches

Untitled, 2007

Tempra on paper
10 x 13-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2008

Flowers, tape on paper
13-1/2 x 21 inches

Untitled, 2008

White pencil on paper
10-1/8 x 13-1/2 inches

Untitled, 1997

Tempra on paper
14 x 15-1/4 inches

Untitled, 1996

Lipstick, powder on draft paper
12-1/4 x 24 inches

Untitled, 2007

Ink on paper
5-1/4 x 8-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2015

Ink on paper
10-3/4 x 16-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2008

Tempra on canvas, synthetic hair frame
26 x 32 inches

Isis, 2015

Collage, enamel, resin on canvas
16 x 20 inches

Untitled, 2009

Collage, resin on canvas
16 x 16 inches

The Minotaur, 2009

Collage, resin on canvas
24 x 18 inches

Motorhead, 2009

Collage, enamel on canvas
48 x 48 inches

Untitled, 2007

Collage, tempra on wood panel
23-1/2 x 27 inches

Untitled, 2009

Collage, resin on canvas
30 x 40 inches

Untitled, 2006

Ink on paper
5-1/2 x 8 inches

Untitled, 2004

Ink on paper
5-1/2 x 8-3/4 inches

Paris, 1998

Ink, lipstick on paper
22 x 30-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2007

Collage on paper
12 x 14 inches

Untitled, 2009

Black enamel, cardboard collage on canvas
18 x 24 inches

Untitled, 2005

Collage, oil paint on canvas
11 x 24 inches

Untitled, 2015

Ink on paper
5-1/2 x 6-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2015

Watercolor on paper
10 x 10 inches

Untitled, 2006

Ink, tempra on paper
7-1/4 x 10 inches

Portrait of Andy, 2009

Pencil, ink, crayon on paper
10 x 13-1/4 inches

Untitled, 1998

Tempra on paper
25 x 40-1/2 inches

Untitled, 1998

Tempra on paper
20 x 26 inches

Untitled, 2003

Tempra on paper
7-1/4 x 10-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2005

Crayon, ink, tempra on paper
6-3/4 x 10 inches

Untitled, 2007

Collage, tempra, ink on paper
10 x 13-1/4 inches

Dad, 2003

Ink on paper
10-3/4 x 16-1/2 inches

Untitled, 2006

Tempra on paper
8 x 11-3/4 inches

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