Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Crushed car
*Installation view at Uncontaminated Oslo

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Crushed car, mannequin hand, synthetic hair
*Installation view at Uncontaminated Oslo

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Crushed car, synthetic hair
*Installation view at Uncontaminated Oslo

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016

Synthetic hair, plastic
20 x 11 x 11 inches

High Priestess of the Raven Cult Headdress, 2015
High Priestess of the Raven Cult Headdress, 2015

Plastic, feathers, wire, cardboard, paint
26 x 23 x 23 inches


Hairpin Sculpture, 2008
Hairpin Sculpture, 2008

Hairpins, adhesive
24 x 16 x 72 inches

Hairpin Sculpture, 2008 (detail)
Hairpin Sculpture, 2008 (detail)

Hairpins, adhesive
24 x 16 x 72 inches


Hair Sculpture, 2004 (detail)
Hair Sculpture, 2004 (detail)

Synthetic hair

Untitled, 2014
Untitled, 2014

Matches, wire, adhesive
4 x 4 x 20 inches

Dimensional Spell, 2014 (detail)
Dimensional Spell, 2014 (detail)

Synthetic hair, wood, plastic, adhesive
12 x 10 x 39 inches


Hair Chair, 2011
Hair Chair, 2011

Synthetic hair, wood
22 x 17x 37 inches

Champagne Headdress, 2009
Champagne Headdress, 2009

Plastic champagne glasses, wire, adhesive
10 x 4 x 25 inches

Safety Pin Headdress, 2005
Safety Pin Headdress, 2005

Safety pins, wire, adhesive
15 x 2 x 15 inches

Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009

Human hair, resin, plastic, wood
10 x 6 x 30 inches

Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009

Synthetic hair, plastic, cardboard
18 x 6 x 35 inches

Shoe Headdress, 1990
Shoe Headdress, 1990

Wood, patent leather, steel
4 x 4 x 10 inches

Gun Headdress I, 2010
Gun Headdress I, 2010

Plastic, fabric, spray paint
10 x 2 x 5 inches

Gun Headdress II, 2010
Gun Headdress II, 2010

Plastic, fabric, spray paint
10 x 2 x 5 inches

Toy Headdress I, 2015
Toy Headdress I, 2015

Plastic, wire, adhesive
8 x 2 x 4 inches

Toy Headdress II, 2015
Toy Headdress II, 2015

Plastic, wire, adhesive
12 x 2-1/2 x 6 inches
*Permanent collection of Stockholms Spelmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden

Toy Headdress III, 2015
Toy Headdress III, 2015

Wood, wire
8 x 2 x 6 inche

Toy Headdress IV, 2015
Toy Headdress IV, 2015

Plastic, wire, adhesive
6 x 2-1/2 x 8 inche

Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (front)
Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (front)

Wood, brass, Polaroid film back

Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (back)
Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (back)

Wood, brass, Polaroid film back

Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (front)
Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (front)

Wood, brass, Polaroid film back

Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (back)
Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (back)

Wood, brass, Polaroid film back

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016
High Priestess of the Raven Cult Headdress, 2015
Hairpin Sculpture, 2008
Hairpin Sculpture, 2008 (detail)
Hair Sculpture, 2004 (detail)
Untitled, 2014
Dimensional Spell, 2014 (detail)
Hair Chair, 2011
Champagne Headdress, 2009
Safety Pin Headdress, 2005
Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009
Shoe Headdress, 1990
Gun Headdress I, 2010
Gun Headdress II, 2010
Toy Headdress I, 2015
Toy Headdress II, 2015
Toy Headdress III, 2015
Toy Headdress IV, 2015
Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (front)
Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (back)
Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (front)
Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (back)
Untitled, 2016

Crushed car
*Installation view at Uncontaminated Oslo

Untitled, 2016

Crushed car, mannequin hand, synthetic hair
*Installation view at Uncontaminated Oslo

Untitled, 2016

Crushed car, synthetic hair
*Installation view at Uncontaminated Oslo

Untitled, 2016

Synthetic hair, plastic
20 x 11 x 11 inches

High Priestess of the Raven Cult Headdress, 2015

Plastic, feathers, wire, cardboard, paint
26 x 23 x 23 inches


Hairpin Sculpture, 2008

Hairpins, adhesive
24 x 16 x 72 inches

Hairpin Sculpture, 2008 (detail)

Hairpins, adhesive
24 x 16 x 72 inches


Hair Sculpture, 2004 (detail)

Synthetic hair

Untitled, 2014

Matches, wire, adhesive
4 x 4 x 20 inches

Dimensional Spell, 2014 (detail)

Synthetic hair, wood, plastic, adhesive
12 x 10 x 39 inches


Hair Chair, 2011

Synthetic hair, wood
22 x 17x 37 inches

Champagne Headdress, 2009

Plastic champagne glasses, wire, adhesive
10 x 4 x 25 inches

Safety Pin Headdress, 2005

Safety pins, wire, adhesive
15 x 2 x 15 inches

Untitled, 2009

Human hair, resin, plastic, wood
10 x 6 x 30 inches

Untitled, 2009

Synthetic hair, plastic, cardboard
18 x 6 x 35 inches

Shoe Headdress, 1990

Wood, patent leather, steel
4 x 4 x 10 inches

Gun Headdress I, 2010

Plastic, fabric, spray paint
10 x 2 x 5 inches

Gun Headdress II, 2010

Plastic, fabric, spray paint
10 x 2 x 5 inches

Toy Headdress I, 2015

Plastic, wire, adhesive
8 x 2 x 4 inches

Toy Headdress II, 2015

Plastic, wire, adhesive
12 x 2-1/2 x 6 inches
*Permanent collection of Stockholms Spelmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden

Toy Headdress III, 2015

Wood, wire
8 x 2 x 6 inche

Toy Headdress IV, 2015

Plastic, wire, adhesive
6 x 2-1/2 x 8 inche

Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (front)

Wood, brass, Polaroid film back

Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (back)

Wood, brass, Polaroid film back

Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (front)

Wood, brass, Polaroid film back

Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera, 2000 (back)

Wood, brass, Polaroid film back

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